A high-tech Medical Centre has been in operation at Siri Gurdwara Ramgarhia Railway South 'C' from 1st April 2005. This Centre is equipped with ultra-modern medical and dental clinics, a laboratory and a well stocked pharmacy.
Medical Clinic
The Centre is under the supervision of Dr. Yamani, a well known and competent medical practitioner with a vast experience in emergency and non-emergency medical treatment. All medical ailment are catered for professional medical advice is also at hand.
Dental Clinic
A very advanced and well furnished dental clinic has also been set up with state-of-the-art modern dental equipment. This . clinic is run by a very professional and experienced dentist and all dental ailments are looked after, be it tooth extraction, root canal treatment, fillings, installation of crowns, bridges and dentures.
Medical laboratory
The centre has a well equipped medical laboratory that has the latest equipment for blood sampling and screening. This is managed by a highly qualified and well experienced Laboratory Technician.
Apart from the routine tests, culture sensitivity, lipid profile, liver and thyroid function tests are also conducted.
The Medical Centre also has a well stocked pharmacy dispensing a wide range of medicines by a qualified Pharmaceutical technologist.
Other Services
Baby Clinic and Immunization services have also been introduced alongside a Family Planning Clinic which will benefit needy patients.
An E.C.G Machine was donated to the Centre by the Sikh Women's Society and the Centre also benefited from an X-ray Machine donated by Harjeet Singh Ranautta.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday 9.00AM to 6.00PM
Saturdays 9.00AM to 1.00PM
The objective of the Medical Centre is to provide quality medical care for the whole family at affordable rates. a number of Corporate clients have been registered who send their employees for treatment at the centre.
Dr. Yamani and his team of experts
A patient undergoing consultation at the Clinic
Dentist providing Dental Treatment
Technician taking a blood sample
The Medical Centre Pharmacy
The X-ray Room
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